Ability to mark arbitrary chapters as read.

Issue #95 closed
Randall Fitzgerald created an issue

As it stands, only downloaded chapters can be marked read. This constitutes a major waste of bandwidth when Importing bookmarks or otherwise changing provider for a series. Seems like it should be fairly trivial to implement.

Likewise read chapters are not sufficiently visually differentiated from downloaded chapters. Suggest the visual standard of having either unread chapters bolded and read chapters not, or read chapters greyed out to de-emphasize.

Aizoban and Manga Watcher both handle this fairly well visually and could be used as quick templates to save on design and consideration time.

Comments (3)

  1. cylonu87 repo owner

    The read online was added recently so some features could be added.

    I'll add the ability to mark chapters as read + display the chapter in another color (grey) when it's read.

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