Chapter List Hangs For A Few Seconds

Issue #99 new
Randall Fitzgerald created an issue

Not sure if this is how it's working on the back-end, but there, at times, seems to be a hang in loading of chapter lists.

My first assumption here is that the chapter list is being loaded from the web in real time, which, as it is, can cause slowdown in the UI and so should maybe be avoided, though the sometimes constantly changing chapter lists can be a pain I guess. Not sure how the backend on this works so not sure whether to call it a bug or a feature suggestion.

Ah well, issue trackers are for conversations, amirite?

Comments (1)

  1. cylonu87 repo owner

    The list of chapters are always loading from the source, you need an internet connection to access them. You should see a refresh indicator (white circle below the toolbar) while the list is loading.

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