[Suggestion] Allow player to drop weapons and items in the game

Issue #102 wontfix
Purkkaviritys created an issue

I've been watching this one guy play Daikatana through at Youtube. He had an interesting idea in the latest video.

When player the first-time meets Superfly, why player doesn't have a button to drop one of the weapons in possession for the Superfly? Dropping items is a feature in Quake 2 and having ability to give Superfly the player's ion rifle or shot cycler early might be a good idea.

If it isn't too much work it would improve the kind of party dynamics Daikatana is about with team sharing weapons and ammunitions. What do you think?

I want to add that this would be useful in the multi-player too. However with only so much player base we have, I don't think it would be that important. This suggestion is mainly for the single-player.

Comments (3)

  1. Teflon1

    I think it'd only be useful for when you first get a partner in an episode. The game quickly gives you enough weapons and ammo to supply partners after you get them, so there's no realy need to do things like toss them something like an extra Discus of Daedalus because they already have enough to kick ass.

    The only area I can see this being useful is when you get Superfly in E1M3.

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