various sound ussies

Issue #105 resolved
Американский Шпион created an issue

1) when I save game in the menu I don't hear any sound that was in the original

2) music sometimes suddenly stops for several seconds and than starts playing drom the beginning

3) another music issue, rather random. If music volume is set to relativly low (around 30%) and I start a new game music became almost unhearable until I move the slider to wahtever position. than music became louder as it should be even if I set it to a value that it was before

Comments (7)

  1. Американский Шпион reporter

    No, windows 7. The second issue was first noticed on the latest build

  2. Frank Sapone

    I tried to add something to hide ambient sounds from the game itself during the main menu (i.e. being in multiplayer) so this mgiht be the problem. I'll check it out.

  3. Frank Sapone

    I tried playing the game briefly and starting a new game a few times and didn't see anything. Can you test it against the public build from August and see if this issue still occurs for you?

  4. Американский Шпион reporter

    Still the same. I'll explain it a bit more:

    1) when unlimited saves is turned off, when you save a game nice harp-like sound will play. but when unlimited saves is on only generic button click sound is produced.

    3)set music volume to 10 in the sound menu. save config and exit the game. run it and select a new single player game. skip cutscenes and listen: at that value I don't hear any music at all. then go to the menu and move the slider to whatever position and then set it back to 10. resume game and now music is audible

  5. Purkkaviritys

    I can confirm that this is an issue in the Linux build as well. When unlimited saves is enabled and player saves the game there is no harp music. The harp music will play when the unlimited saving has been disabled and player discovers a same gem and makes a save.

  6. Frank Sapone

    Fixed the special found secret sound that plays depending on the episode when you save a game without savgems. For your other problems I really don't know what they are, but I have never experienced them (and this has been tested on 5+ machines) and we also now have OpenAL as an option in newer builds which may resolve your issues as older Miles DLL had problems with multi-core processors.

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