Creatures gib animations broke on certain maps (old Broken roboskeet animation)

Issue #107 resolved
Американский Шпион created an issue

It turns out, on certain maps if you gib an enemy, it will produce a trail of smoke/blood from ground to the sky. It affects all enemies. for example, it happens on e1m3a, but not on e1m4a

(old post

Roboskeet have 2 death animation (correct me if I'm wrong since I don't have the sources): in first it simply explode, but in the second it should fall down. What actually happen is that it fall down and explode, wich results in bot falling down immediately (when he actually no longer exist because of explosion) no matter what distance is to the floor and producing smoke clouds on it's path. Here is a screenshot and a good save to test it)

Comments (3)

  1. Американский Шпион reporter

    as it turns out, every enemy when gibbed produce a smoke trail from ground to the sky

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