Bug with bullet hole decals and certain doors.

Issue #109 wontfix
Teflon1 created an issue

If you fire at the walls next to a door that sides to the side when it opens, then fire at the door itself, the decals on the side will travel with the door when it moves. It seems the decals only get attached to the door's movement if you fire at the door itself.

You can set it up so that some decals will move with the door by doing the trick above, then firing at the walls while the doors are open. This will create two sets of decals; one will follow the door's movement when it opens, while the other one will not. Firing at the door again will make the other set of decals follow the door when it opens.

Note that this only works with doors that slide to the left or right when they open, like the ones in parts of E1 and E4. Doors that slide up (like the lower door to Wyndrax's room in E3M4b) or move at an angle when they open (the door to the mill in E3M2a) will not produce this problem.

I've included two demos, decals.dem in E4M4a, and decals2.dem in E1M5a, demonstrating the problem.

This might be a problem with all decals, but I've only tested this with decals created by firing weapons like the Shotcycler 6 and the Glock 2020 at a wall.

Comments (2)

  1. Frank Sapone

    Yeah this is another funny one I've overlooked and it's mostly just because I've played the game so many times I don't even notice it anymore, haha.

    Another good one with doors (I need to add it to the list) is if you kill something that's on the other side of the door and the door closes in the middle of his death animation and reopen the door the monster will reset his death animation from the first frame all over again, lol.


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