Game crashes when trying to repeteadly play demos back to back to back...

Issue #110 resolved
Американский Шпион created an issue

It happens semi-randomly - sometimes it happens with first playback, sometimes game crashes when trying to play demo right after that very same demo ends

Comments (21)

  1. Американский Шпион reporter

    it crashes with a typical error message about Daikatana stopped working. Here is a log, but it's in russian, I beg you'll understand it

    Имя события проблемы: APPCRASH

    Имя приложения: daikatana.exe

    Версия приложения(version):

    Отметка времени приложения(time stamp): 55a62a4f

    Имя модуля с ошибкой(error module): ref_gl.dll

    Версия модуля с ошибкой(module version):

    Отметка времени модуля с ошибкой(error module time stamp): 55a62a8b

    Код исключения(exception code): c0000094

    Смещение исключения(exceprion offset): 00012976

    Версия ОС(OS version): 6.1.7601.

    Код языка(language code): 1049

    Дополнит... 1(additional info): fe26

    Дополнительные сведения 2: fe262cac595f2f0ce8291e48d31f9318

    Дополнительные сведения 3: 3880

    Дополнительные сведения 4: 388012304e2bfa9e1eb00635c7689368

  2. Frank Sapone

    I just thought of something... Are you using the "nightly" builds? If its a new protocol demo from an earlier new protocol build it might crash.

  3. Американский Шпион reporter

    yes, you are right. but why they play properly when you watch 'em first time?

  4. Frank Sapone

    Okay, it's something to do with svc_frame being parsed sometimes before precache which makes it think the games is now active in the game world so the precache check gets skipped failing to actually load certain parts of the map. I have a fix for it, but I'm trying to find out specifically why it's happening.

  5. Американский Шпион reporter

    It semi-works. If I let demo play from start to end it will never crash the game no matter what. But if I start demo right after launching a game and then start it again without wathing it till the end, it still crashes. It's sometimes crash if I play demo, disconnect, play demo and play it again immideatly

  6. Frank Sapone

    I only got the crash of running demomap <demo>.dem while the demo is playing, but it only happened twice. i havent gotten a crash for restarting demos by disconnect and replaying it over.

  7. Frank Sapone

    Stacking a demo command over top of the demo command again whiel its running has a small percentage chance to make it crash because it's in the middle of processing something else but I don't know of a good solution to the problem. and nobody else working on dk 1.3 has been around for help lately :/

  8. Американский Шпион reporter

    oh, that's sad. luckily it's not a gamebreaking glitch. Also, is it possible to play demos without typing .dem every time?

  9. Frank Sapone

    It could be possible, but traditionally quake 2 wants this extension so it knows what to expect on the code path to take preparing to setup a demo or map. I'd rather not have to write code to open the file early and check it's inner contents to determine if it's a demo or map because it could cause another subtle bug of not parsing that information properly.

  10. Vojtěch Smital

    Actually I've tested the last Linux build and game crashed to desktop when I tried to play demo right after the recording was stopped, but after I returned back to game, demo playing was ok. I've tried it several times - Linux Mint 17.3 64-bit. Not sure about windows version..

  11. Frank Sapone

    R1Q2 appears to have some fixes related to demo playback and one of them involved not executing client commands during playback. I added this change and tested like this

    /timedemo 1 /demoplay demo.dem

    and repeatedly left the demo playing while pressing up then enter in the console to keep restarting the demo and I didn't see any crashes doing it multiple times. So it /may/ be fixed, but I will need a few other people to test it at some point.

    It's an experimental build so it won't be in an update.

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