Map fails to change at level change

Issue #117 resolved
FragUPlenty created an issue

The map fails to change when you first talk to superfly johnson while he is still in the torture device.

The game has been started as a single player game with Sidekicks disabled.

See this youtube video that I made it has console output at 4:09

Comments (5)

  1. Teflon1

    I've tested this four ways:

    1. Shogun, no sidekicks. Talked to Superfly first, then grabbed key, then rescued Superfly, then let E1M3b end cutscene play. This resulted in a crash right after the cutscene ended.

    2. Shogun, no sidekicks. Grabbed key, talked to Superfly, released him right afterwards, then let E1M3b end cutscene play. Worked fine.

    3. Shogun, no sidekicks. Flew straight to the exit via noclip, let the cutscene play, then exited E1M3b. Worked fine.

    4. Shogun, no sidekicks. Skipped all of the cutscenes and exited E1M3b. Worked fine.

    Note that no enemies were killed when I did this. All of these games were started by selecting "Shogun" from the Single Player screen, then warping to E1M3b.

    EDIT: Forgot to mention build. Used the August 30th Windows build to test this.

  2. Frank Sapone

    The no sidekicks thing is a hack so it's very likely some scripts try to fire off and a trigger may be null and there should be a check in place for that. I'll check it out then.

  3. FragUPlenty reporter

    Just played through the September 15 2015 build of the game and this bug seems to have been fixed with that I talked to superfly and he told me where to get the key I got the key and the game continued as normal.

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