Multiplayer problems

Issue #120 resolved
sparky4 created an issue

menu in the gnu/linux version breaks the mouse look system so i cannot do more then 360 or 180

and map version issues with servers and when playing with windows client!

Comments (27)

  1. Frank Sapone

    Map version issues are related to new map packs which are required. Check the downloads section. The new protocol server is a testing experimental server which isn't available to the public so you will be unable to connect to that.

  2. Frank Sapone

    Yeah, the Linux version has some issues currently with the mouse capturing. Not sure what to say about that, you'll have to post more specific details on your environment so we can narrow it down.

  3. Frank Sapone

    Right, but you need to tell us what distro you are using, is it 32 bit or 64 bit? What type of CPU, MB, Video card? What version of SDL? Is it a 32-bit version of SDL? Etc.

  4. sparky4 reporter

    ----- Filesystem Initialization ----- Current search path:

    /home/sparky4/.local/share/./Daikatana/data /home/sparky4/.local/share/./Daikatana/data/pak6.pak (52 files) /home/sparky4/.local/share/./Daikatana/data/pak5.pak (5609 files) /home/sparky4/.local/share/./Daikatana/data/pak4.pak (80 files) /home/sparky4/.local/share/./Daikatana/data/pak3.pak (782 files) /home/sparky4/.local/share/./Daikatana/data/pak2.pak (83 files) /home/sparky4/.local/share/./Daikatana/data/pak1.pak (11449 files) /home/sparky4/p/daikatana/data /home/sparky4/p/daikatana/data/pak6.pak (52 files) /home/sparky4/p/daikatana/data/pak5.pak (5609 files) /home/sparky4/p/daikatana/data/pak4.pak (80 files) /home/sparky4/p/daikatana/data/pak3.pak (782 files) /home/sparky4/p/daikatana/data/pak2.pak (83 files) /home/sparky4/p/daikatana/data/pak1.pak (11449 files)

    yes i did download the correct files you linked me and no it dose not work.... hmmm

  5. Frank Sapone

    This does not help me. I don't know what your directory setup is or the error or even what version of DK 1.3 you are using.

  6. Frank Sapone

    I also don't even know what map is giving you a problem, or even what server you are trying to access. It may very well be possible the AU servers that are hosted aren't using the updated map packs.

  7. sparky4 reporter

    ok i am using the latest advalible gnu/linux version

    the error is the mismatching maps

    it is the coop maps

    oh my friend tried to play with me on a server i host and there was a map mis match issue

  8. Teflon1

    If you've downloaded the latest map pack and the AU servers are still giving you errors with mismatching maps, then it's the servers' problem. Connect to one of the other co-op servers out there and see what happens.

  9. Frank Sapone

    "I also don't even know what map is giving you a problem, or even what server you are trying to access. It may very well be possible the AU servers that are hosted aren't using the updated map packs."

  10. Teflon1

    I've just joined though the two available co-op servers on the server browser with the latest map pack without any problems. I went into E1M1b on Frank's server without any problems.

  11. Frank Sapone

    You're probably not extracting the archive in the right place. Where are you extracting it to?


  12. Frank Sapone

    No updates on this particular issue and likely related to a server or the user having an outdated map pack. If this issue is still on-going, please reopen.

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