Music not working, Voices not working

Issue #126 resolved
Joseph Gerani created an issue

I'm not sure if this is a personal issue or I may or may not have copied the files over correctly but when I play the game all the basic sounds work but the voice acting during the cutscenes are silent and the music doesn't play in the background. I did not have any issues with this in Daikatana 1.2. If there is any music supposed to be playing in the background during multiplayer, it's not there too. The rest of the game works fine though except for the fact that there's usually nobody to play with.

Quick Update: Voice acting seems to have problems when you jump to a map from console but not when you start the game normally. For instance when I type in console map e4m1a the music doesn't play and the sidekicks say nothing at all.

Comments (18)

  1. Knightmare66

    You may not have copied the files under music and sounds folders subfolders in the Daikatana/data folder, or the loose .vsc or .csv files in the Daikatana/data folder. The files for these aren't in the .pak files like most other things.

  2. Joseph Gerani reporter

    Are you sure.jpg

    Isn't this how it's supposed to be done though? I directly copied and pasted the data folder. Again, this wasn't a problem in Daikatana v1.2 and almost everything else works right.

  3. Knightmare66

    That's not a complete view of all the files in the folder (change the view mode to list). Is music.csv (or .vsc) in there too? That's needed for the client to know which track to play for each map.


  4. Joseph Gerani reporter

    Here you go.png

    Sorry that was silly of me not to include it but here you go. Also what about the voices of sidekicks? They don't seem to play when you change maps via console both during the cinematics and gameplay.

    Edit: I just realized something. Windows isn't letting me rename it to music.csv. Could that be the problem?

  5. Knightmare66

    Looks like there may already be a music.csv file there. Turn of "Hide file extensions for known file types" in Folder Options so you can see the extensions, otherwise, you won't be able to tell if you have mis-named files.

  6. Joseph Gerani reporter

    So I uninstalled steam daikatana and windows allowed me to rename it. So I relaunch the game and still get no dice. Here's screen cap of the folder. Still no luck.png

  7. Американский Шпион

    you double it's extension. it's already was csv, you have to enable seeing file extensions to prove it. by the way, try renaming it back and move daikatana folder to another location, drive c for example or flash drive

  8. Joseph Gerani reporter

    I moved it to C drive and removed the csv, launched the game and I still don't hear the voices or music. no dice.png

  9. Knightmare66

    Try opening music.csv in Excel to verity its contents (there should be 90 or so rows of map names and music tracks listed), and then rename music.vsc to music.vsc.bak. Maybe one of the list files is corrupt.

    Also, can you play the mp3 files in an audio player? There could possibly be a file permissions problem.

    BTW, are you running Windows 8.1 or 10?

  10. Joseph Gerani reporter

    I'm running windows 8.1. The files are playable. Here is an incomplete screenshot of the excel files (and by incomplete I mean everything on the list is not visible, if you need the rest of the list I'll attach that too) along with the renamed vsc. excel.png ok.png

  11. Knightmare66

    The contents of music.csv and the music folder look like what should be there.

    Taking a closer look, the path you're running it from includes "Daikatana 1.3", a folder name with spaces. The Q2 engine is known to have problems when running from a path with spaces. Try moving it to a short, no-space path like "C:\Daikatana" and then running the game again.

  12. Knightmare66

    That looks like a path that shouldn't cause problems. If music/voices still won't play properly, you should try reinstalling/re-copying the files.

  13. Frank Sapone

    I haven't heard anything about this in a while... but if you are missing the mp3dec.asi file in your C:\Daikatana directory then Miles will be unable to load and play mp3 files which are used for cinematics, music, and sidekick chatter. Which sounds like this could be why this it's not working for you.

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