Respawning angles are goofed after some extended play.

Issue #149 resolved
Frank Sapone created an issue

I assume sort of overflow is happening somewhere in the code, but I don't know where...

When you respawn in multiplayer games, after a few respawns after playing for a few minutes you'll always end up respawning non-centered. The angle is not the same every time. I tried to send the recenter message twice in the code, but it made no difference. Out of ideas, out of my league.

Comments (2)

  1. Frank Sapone reporter

    I believe I may have resolved this issue. a fix angles flag was sent across the network to physics.dll but in Quake 2 the code is handle in the client respawn code of their game.dll (world.dll for DK). I've readapted that code into the similar place in world.dll and this works reliably in the tests that I performed. It has at least fixed the goofy violent recentering on respawns.

    The issue can be reliably reproduced by connecting to a network server (not your own local server on the same machine!) and bind a key to kill. As you press the bind to suicide flick your mouse (works easier with a trackball) and you will usually respawn with a funky angle. Likely where the mouse landed. Now that I've figured out how to reproduce it, added this fix, and tested again on a server on the other end of the United States I haven't seen the problem reappear.

    Linux binaries will be built soon for MeisterM to apply to his server and I should be able to test it longer distances and hopefully we can finally close this bug.

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