Merging with 1.2 patch source?

Issue #151 resolved
Американский Шпион created an issue

There was a massive dk release containing lots of pre-release builds and other stuff like several revisions of the source code including broken 1.2 source. it's also contains what seems to be the whole e1 with submaps merged.

maybe it's a good idea to investigate all of these?

Comments (8)

  1. Frank Sapone

    It's not a massive release. It was a leak. But we are based from this source. Also those merged maps some are older versions. This has been investigated before.

  2. Frank Sapone

    No. Only 1.0 map sources. The map directory from that leak that is called lockdown is what we were basing updated maps from, but they are 1.0 maps. The 1.2 map source is actually missing from it. A long time ago, Romero gave me a copy of the backup tapes of the dev drive and the tape had problems reading in certain spots. So either those spots happened to be some 1.2 information or his backup tape was just missing these items.

  3. Американский Шпион reporter

    so that's why it's broken. thank you, I always wanted to know more of the insights of the 1.3 project. btw, how much you derriviated from that leak? if I, say, play around with that leaked code and make a gameplay mod, would it be possibly compatible with 1.3?

  4. Frank Sapone

    the 1.2 code needs repaired before it will compile. Headers are missing and other data mostly pertaining to how multilingual data is sent (it used be defines in 1.0 but 1.2 found a more clever way to do it). The save system has been completely overhauled so new compiles wont break saves each time. This resulted in changing a lot of things across all the DLLs. If you make a mod in 1.0, and it's something decent maybe I can port to 1.3 for you. But it would have to be something really worth my while to bother with it. There are no plans to release an SDK because of Eidos technically owning the IP to Daikatana. They are also unwilling to sell it back to Romero for a reasonable price.

  5. Frank Sapone

    The 1.2 code also required some extra defined strings across the language data and some other small stuff that I really can't recall offhand. The biggest thing was the way the multilingual stuff works and it required another person (who wishes to remain unidentified) to help me write code to make it compatible to 1.2.

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