[Linux] ESC mapped to console

Issue #162 invalid
mdeguzis created an issue

When I hit ESC, it also brings up the console, tilde brings up the console fine by itself.

Comments (6)

  1. Frank Sapone

    I'm assuming in linux? It seems like bring up the console in linux is a bit borked in general.

  2. mdeguzis reporter

    Yes Linux. I can work around it on general. Great job on this btw if you are a dev. It at least is playable on PC, even if it's not a great game overall.

  3. Daniel Gibson

    On my machine, Esc only opens the console from the main menu after start, no idea why. Ingame it opens the menu, like on Windows.

    Shift+Escape opens the console, though. That's intended.

  4. Frank Sapone

    No response in almost 2 years. If it's still a problem, maybe your keyboard layout is non-english and is causing a problem? If so, reopen a ticket.

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