Problems finding sidekick voice files in German version

Issue #17 closed
Former user created an issue

I play the German Version with uncut patch. From the point I rescued Superfly I freuquently get a message like this: "Can't find file sounds\voices\Superfly*.mp3". It happens at some points when he's supposed to say something or by pressing the "follow me" button repeatedly. Before I installed patch 1.3, I already played with US dlls from the uncut patch and that didn't happen.

Comments (3)

  1. Daniel Gibson

    (We only support the english version, but...)

    Is it really "sounds\voices\Superfly*.mp3" or "sounds\voices\Superfly*.mp3"? What do you mean with "didn't happen"? Was there just no message or did superfly talk back then (and not anymore with 1.3)?

    Oh, and what's in your Daikatan\data\sounds\voices\Superfly\ folder? Mine looks like:

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