e1m6a: Nitrogel level will not go down allowing characters to traverse further into level

Issue #170 resolved
Former user created an issue

Nitrogel liquid level will not go down allowing characters to traverse further into the level. You can turn the handle but the level of fluid below does not drop.

I've attached a save file that you can use that is just before turning the handle.

Comments (10)

  1. Phillip Pettis

    Oops... Was trying to correct sentence but hit enter. Sorry. Level of fluid will not go down.

  2. Frank Sapone

    I'm unable to load the save, but you are using latest Windows version? It looks to be that way as the contents of one of the files says so. Do you have a pak6.pak in your Daikatana/data directory? What skill level are you playing on?

    I've seen this problem before. What happens is one of those deathspheres seems to get stuck and traps the slime from being able to lower; but I am not sure if it's related to a specific skill level

  3. Phillip Pettis

    I have a pak6.pak in my Daikatana/data directory. I believe I'm on "Samurai" level. I was playing on version 090616. I upgraded to the latest, 091716, last night.

  4. Frank Sapone

    do a "/save lol" in the console then send me the save directory from that. I seem to unable to load your current.zip

  5. Frank Sapone

    OK. Now i verified it's the same problem I have seen before. Sometimes these deathspheres right under that bridge spawn and get stuck in between the icelab slime/water/ice/whatever. A workaround until I can find a coding solution is to /notarget then noclip under the bridge and kill those two deathspheres, the water will then lower and you can disable notarget and noclip cheat.

  6. Frank Sapone

    I have a coding fix, there's multiple solutions to the problem but I'll have to wait on the other devs to decide which is the best solution to use. My guess is that there will be a map update soon that adds a special flag to signal the the water is a "force move" i.e. if anything is blocking it from moving then it will kill that entity.

    another solution is to check the map at run time and apply a special hack to add the force move, but I think just recompiling the map and adding the flag would be the best thing to do.

  7. Frank Sapone

    Added "damage" "1000" and "spawnflags" "512" epair key/values to e1m6a. Also added support for func_waters to support these values. If something is blocking the func_water from being able to move damage will be applied so they will be killed instantly.

    A new pak6.pak will be available shortly from the Windows auto-updater and I will update the Wiki for our *nix friends.

    Thanks for reminding me about this bug; I've forgotten about it for quite sometime.

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