[Linux] Some unregistered functions

Issue #193 resolved
Purkkaviritys created an issue

I was playing around with cam_ stuff and managed to make this situation rise:

WARNING: No string for function at address 0xe0111970 in func_list[]!
   INFO: Function at address 0xe0111970 is actually called cinematic_think(edict_s*) !
   INFO: That function is from /Daikatana_debug/dlls/world.so
!!! Please report this as a bug !!!

Entity has been assigned an unregistered function ( think )

WARNING: No string for function at address 0xe0111920 in func_list[]!
   INFO: Function at address 0xe0111920 is actually called cinematic_parse_epairs(edict_s*) !
   INFO: That function is from /Daikatana_debug/dlls/world.so
!!! Please report this as a bug !!!

Entity has been assigned an unregistered function ( think )
Note: Illegal Audio-MPEG-Header 0x33202020 at offset 3856092.
Note: Trying to resync...
Note: Hit end of (available) data during resync.
>/map e1m6b

I'm running latest Linux build:

"version" is "Daikatana v1.3pre-beta for Linux-Release. Built Mar  7 2017.", Default: "Daikatana v1.3pre-beta for Linux-Release. Built Mar  7 2017."

It might be noteworthy that when this happened I had two Superfly's in e1m6a one of which disappeared after the cutscene was over. I had loaded the same level before using /map and then reloaded it to properly record the opening cinematic with OBS. I don't know why it didn't clear the Superfly. I guess I should have used /flushmap or something as well.


I also checked dk-missing-fns and it had this inside it:


Comments (4)

  1. Frank Sapone

    Added missing funcs. About the extra superfly, if you can find a way to reliably reproduce that scenario please open a separate issue. I have seen it occasionally, but have never found a way to make it happen every time.

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