Texts misplaced or missing in Spanish

Issue #197 resolved
Lukas ThyWalls created an issue

In key configuration, the boost keys are the last ones and have this order originally:

Boost Power
Boost Attack 
Boost Speed 
Boost Acro
Boost Vitality

In spanish the text of the same key configs are:

¿Seguro que quiere jugar sin ellos? (Are you sure you want to continue without them?)
Aumentar Potencia (Boost Power)
Aumentar Ataque (Boost Attack)
Aumentar Velocidad (Boost Speed)
Aumentar Acrobacia (Boost Acro)

I attached both English and Spanish screenshots (boostKeyConfig screenshots), you can see there is that text misplaced the problem, and the keys config position are the english ones, not the spanish what are moved one row, and the Boost Vitality one (Aumentar Vitalidad) missing.


Also i found another, and related, text misplaced in Spanish:

In Mouse Options, Button 4 text (Botón 4) is misplaced in the position of Button 5 (Botón 5), what is missing, and in the position of Button 4 is Boost Vitality Text (Aumentar Vitalidad). (All in "MouseOptions" Screenshots attached)

Seeing that, i search the Botón 5 text somewhere and first i search the ¿Seguro que quiere jugar sin ellos? (Are you sure you want to continue without them?) text where should be, and where should be in spanish, it is in English (WithoutCompanions Screenshot).

All seems to be misplaced text in translation file (Where is it?). To be sure, should be search the "Botón 5" because maybe it is misplaced somewhere.

Also, all end game phrases are in English.

Comments (17)

  1. Lukas ThyWalls reporter

    I edit the topic, because i think it should be more useful as a list of finds of text problems than trying to find an explanation about why there are missing or not.


    1. The Boost key texts in keyboard settings are misplaced (explanation above). I see in the original DK Spanish 1.0/1.2, there are not keys for that.

    2. The Button 4 and 5 in Mouse Settings, for sure related with the Boost Keys (1) problem (explained above).

    3. The Are you sure you want to continue without them? phrase when you start a new game without companions are in English in the Spanish "1.3" version. The phrase is in the Boost Keys problem too (1) (Explained above, too)

    4. The end game phrases are always in English in "1.3" Spanish, but seems in the original 1.0/1.2 Spanish release is only one (¿Hacerse un Harakiri?/Getting a Harakiri?) because i load the game a lot of times testing 1.0/1.2 and when i quit the game always is that phrase again and again.

    5. About the first problem shared here from me https://bitbucket.org/daikatana13/daikatana/issues/196/spanish-language-pack-is-full-of-german. With 1.3 when you reach in e1m3a the first cells, when you reach the last ones in the row, one prisoner says to open the force fields. Although i'm playing in Spanish, the voice is in german (that's the thing of the other topic) and the subtitle is in English. In the original Spanish 1.0/1.2 release, that event doesn't happen at all, and i suppose it's something added in 1.3. I extracted from the original spanish 1.2 pak1.pak the subtitles and there is no text about that. I will see in your translation pack, patch 1.3 and in the original 1.2 GOG version to view where is that text.

    Saying this, i think i will try to fix the files for (1), (2), (3), what i think should be easy. About (4) i will see where are they and think about that, and with (5) i will search in the 1.3 patch, spanish translation pack and in the original 1.2 GOG files to search where is that phrase line and create a file with that line in Spanish if it's possible.

  2. Frank Sapone

    It's probable that there is a line of text that is missing in the struct for the menu option names and that's why everything is shifted one.

    All international builds of 1.0/1.2 all ask the same generic question, "Perform Harakiri?". They are English, but can be converted to another language. It is up to the community to properly translate these to their native language since some of it is slang.

    The are you sure you want continue.. does this need converted to Spanish? If so, send me a translated sentence.

    I can give you the header file for the Spanish DLL if you want to convert the quit messages, etc.

  3. Frank Sapone

    Here are the quit messages that need translated

    /* FS: Mult-Lang DLL */
    /* FS: FIXME: Translate */
    static char *tongue_quit_msgs[] =
        "Pense que eras valiente pero|en realidad eres solo un cobarde no?",
        "Are you gonna quit this game just like|you quit everything else in life?",
        "Does the pretty harp music and the scary|crickets make you cry and quit?",
        "Does all this time travel really boggle|you down, confuse you and make you quit?",
        "Did the scary monsters and mean robots|make you run to your mommy?",
        "Just remember: before you actually finish this game,|make sure you find the sandalwood box.  Quit now?",
        "Can't take much more of this hardcore action, eh?  |Gotta run like a little baby and go to bed, right?",
        "If you leave now, I'll start working on|summoning a Shoggoth to come tear you apart|while you sleep.  Is that ok?",
        "Hey, guess what?  When you leave,|I'm going to start smacking all the monsters around|so they're REALLY MAD next time you play, ok?",
        "While you're gone, I'm going to keep|working on the Grand Unified Theory, ok?",
        "Are you broken?",
        "Hey, watch out for the Dark Troopers in the|San Francisco episode, ok?",
        "You're not much of a Kraken, are you?",
        "Does this game trigger you?|If so, you're a weak and pathetic rodent|and will be fed to the griffin!"
    static char *tongue_quit_msgs_rare[] =
        "While you're away I think I'll link into some internet|sites and surf for a while.  Is that okay with you?",
        "Get out of me?",
        "Suck it down(tm)?",
        "Has the monkey landed yet?"
  4. Frank Sapone

    This also needs translated:

        "This version of Daikatana no longer\nsupports the 3DFX and PowerVR mini-drivers.\n3DFX users are strongly recommended to\nuse the Metabyte WickedGL drivers.", // Knightmare added 2/20/13
        "Download WickedGL drivers",        // Knightmare added 2/20/13
        "Switch to default OpenGL", // Knightmare added 2/20/13
    static char *tongue_save_error[] =
        "You must be running a local game to save!\n",
        "You must be in a game to save!\n",
        "You can not save in deathmatch!\n",
        "You can not save during a cinematic!\n",
        "You can not save while dead!\n",
        "You can not save during intermission!\n",
        "You can not save here!\n"
    /* FS: FIXME: Translate.  Wasn't originally translated.  Reported by Robert. */
    static char *tongue_menu_joystick[] =
        "Configure Motion",
        "Forward (walk)",
        "Look (pitch)",
        "Side (strafe)",
        "Turn (yaw)",
        "Configure joystick axis",
        "Absolute (stick)",
  5. Frank Sapone

    I also just pushed a new update, the misaligned text with the Boton 5 and others should be fixed, let me know if it is.

  6. Lukas ThyWalls reporter

    With the update, the (1) Boost Keys texts, (2) Mouse Buttons text, and (3) "Are you sure you want to continue without them?" text, are fixed.

    The (4) "Perform Harakiri?" text (i translated wrong), i didn't know it's something added in 1.3 the bunch of quit game phrases. I will try to do all the text, but maybe i need some context for some ones, and maybe you need to do a better fit of some phrases, because in the actual game there are a lot of phrases in menus what are above other and are not readables (but better do all the text translation first).

    And a question, about (5) the e1m3a prisoner dialogue, where should be all the game dialogues, in the subtitles subfolder inside Pak1.pak of Daikatana 1.2 English or there is only the original ones and in the other paks are more dialogues? It's to compare what dialogues are missing in Spanish, because i have extracted from the 1.2 Spanish pak1.pak the subtitles folder.

  7. Frank Sapone

    Some text is going to go out of bounds for translated versions. This is a problem in the original 1.2 translated versions of the game. If you know of better, smaller, phrases that would fit in the space provided let me know. It's entirely way too much work to expand everything.

  8. Lukas ThyWalls reporter

    Some questions:

    "Just remember: before you actually finish this game,|make sure you find the sandalwood box. Quit now?"

    Is that something about the game, a reference to something outside or it's only a way to say you need to pick incense?

    "... a Shoggoth..." "... Dark Troopers..."

    Are they an enemy type name? could they have a translated name in Spanish? Where i can figure out?

    "Are you broken?"

    It can have a lot of meanings. Maybe tired? with pain in your body? Without money?

    "You're not much of a Kraken, are you?"

    I'm only understand this phrase as "you are not something like a big monster, are you?", but maybe there is a reference here, or it is too an enemy in the game.

    "You can not save during intermission!"

    Intermission is when the game is in pause? or when you are to enter a multiplayer game? Or when you are in the game menus?


    About the texts out of bounds, i see sometimes in English, the text is centered in a scrollbar, and in Spanish (and other languages) the text begins exactly where the English one does, but the phrase is more large and it goes out of bounds. If it's impossible to re-center the text in other languages differently to English, maybe in that and in other places, should be using abbreviations with dots. In other places could use common and accepted english forms words (Like V-Sync => Sincronización Vertical).

  9. Frank Sapone

    Well, I do work with someone who speaks Spanish and he suggests this for "Are you broken?"

    Tu esta arruinado

    "You can not save during intermission!" -- This means you cannot save during the cinematic cutscenes.

    Sandalwood box is a reference to Ultima video game -- http://ultima.wikia.com/wiki/Sandalwood_Box

    "Hey, watch out for the Dark Troopers in the|San Francisco episode, ok?" -- I believe that they refer to those Navy SEALs at the end of the game. I have to ask the guy who translated the german quit messages with what he ended up using.

    The other's like the shoggoth and kraken I'll have to get back to you on. I actually don't know.

  10. Lukas ThyWalls reporter

    Ok, but the thing is i can translate all this lines without problems, but i don't know if it makes sense with that translation, and that's why i need to ask. Maybe you don't know too and we need to figure out, or write some a new phrase from scratch.

    For example "Are you broken?" can be "¿Estás arruinado?", but that means something like the game is asking if you have any money at all. Maybe it's that meaning, but i don't see the sense of that phrase here in the end game like others, and that's why i asking to you. I will put that, anyway.

    I ask about "You can not save during intermission!" because there is a "You can not save during a cinematic!" too. There is a straight forward translation for intermission (intermisión) but it isn't a common word in spanish, and others meaning of intermission seems to be pause or break. And i don't know where when you played the game can show this message, because i don't know what are calling here an "intermission" moment.

    I have no idea about the Sandalwood box thing, i know nothing about Ultima games, and because anyone of the Ultima games are spanish translated (at least between 1 to 9), i will use the name used in a fan translation of Ultima IX to Sandalwood box, which is the same i was thinking in the beginning (Caja de sándalo).

    Other ones i will keep them like to make sense to me and that's it. If you don't have any more advice, i will post all the text translated.

  11. Lukas ThyWalls reporter
    /* FS: Mult-Lang DLL */
    static char *tongue_quit_msgs[] =
        "Pensé que eras valiente pero|en realidad sólo eres un cobarde",
        "¿Vas a salirte del juego|como escapas de todo en tu vida?",
        "¿Te hacen los sonidos de arpa y los grillos|llorar y querer salir de aquí?",
        "¿Todo esto de los viajes en el tiempo|te confunde y quieres tomar algo de aire?",
        "¿Los monstruos y los robots the asustan|y quieres correr con tu mamá?",
        "Recuerda: antes de acabar este juego,|asegúrate de encontrar la caja de sándalo. ¿Salir ahora?",
        "No puedes más con tanta acción, ¿Eh?|¡Venga, corre como un niño pequeño a la cama!",
        "Si abandonas ahora, voy a invocar a un Shoggoth|para despedazarte mientras duermes. ¿Te parece bien?",
        "¿Sabes una cosa? Si abandandonas ahora|voy a empezar a golpear a todos los monstruos|para que estén REALMENTE enfadados para cuando vuelvas",
        "Vale, pero mientras estas fuera,|voy a seguir trabajando en la gran teoría unificada",
        "¿Estas arruinado?",
        "¡Ey!, ten cuidado con los Dark Troopers|en el episodio de San Francisco, ¿Ok?",
        "No pareces mucho como un Kraken, ¿Verdad?",
        "¿Este juego te toca las narices?|Si lo hace, eres una rata débil y patética|con la que alimentaremos al grifo!"
    static char *tongue_quit_msgs_rare[] =
        "Mientras estas fuera, creo que voy a mirar algunos|sitios de internet y navegar un rato|¿Te parece bien?",
        "¿Salirse de mi?",
        "Suck it down(tm)?",
        "¿Ha aterrizado ya el mono?"
        "Esta versión de Daikatana ya no\nsoporta 3DFX y PowerVR mini-drivers.\nPara los usuarios de 3DFX recomendamos\nusar los drivers Metabyte WickedGL.", // Knightmare added 2/20/13
        "Descargar WickedGL drivers",        // Knightmare added 2/20/13
        "Cambiar a OpenGL por defecto", // Knightmare added 2/20/13
    static char *tongue_save_error[] =
        "¡Tienes que estar en una partida local para salvar el juego!\n",
        "¡Tienes que estar en partida para salvar el juego!\n",
        "¡No puedes salvar la partida en Combate a Muerte!\n",
        "¡No puedes salvar la partida durante una cinemática!\n",
        "¡No puedes salvar la partida mientras estas muerto!\n",
        "¡No puedes salvar la partida durante una intermisión!\n",
        "¡No puedes salvar la partida aquí!\n"
    static char *tongue_menu_joystick[] =
        "Configurar Movimiento",
        "Adelante (Avanzar)",
        "Mirar (Inclinar)",
        "Lado (Lateral)",
        "Girar (Guiñada)",
        "Configurar ejes del joystick",
        "Absoluto (Palanca)",

    Also, I don't want to mess more with the translations bugs until i send you (or to the Daikatana 1.3 team) about some investigation i did in the last days and i don't know if you are aware about this, and i want to do some proposal for make all the translations better, but i need some knowledge to do it in the right way.

  12. Frank Sapone

    Quit messages, save error messages and the joystick config text for spanish will be in 08-26-17 build. Thanks!

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