The saves are orderer from old to new, with empty slots above, and the load screen is backwards.

Issue #198 new
Lukas ThyWalls created an issue

The thing is: The saves are orderer from oldest to lastest in the save screen, and in the load screen are from lastest to oldest.

The main problem with this is in the save screen, when you want to overwrite your last save you need to go down the list to the end, and the last one are your last save, meanwhile above are the older ones orderer, and a bunch of empty save slots, because the empty slots are "older" than the used ones for the program. (I edit some screenshots to show my point)

Maybe the reason to do this is to avoid mistakes overwriting save files, because there is no savegame overwrite confirmation dialog box.

The reasonable behaviour of the save screen could be:

  • Keep the order the same of the load screen (from lastest to oldest).

  • Keeping only an empty new slot above all (there is now in yellow) and no more empty slots to avoid a large list of empty slots without any function.

  • Have an overwrite confirmation dialog to avoid mistakes.

Comments (5)

  1. Lukas ThyWalls reporter

    I try to test the original 1.0 and 1.2 version, and i have could confirm this is the original behaviour. Then it's ok to keep only for an proposal of enhancement, if it's possible to do that, of course.

  2. Knightmare66

    We've increased the number of save slots from 20 to 260, so you shouldn't need to worry about selecting savegames to overwrite. They're also now compressed by 90%+ using Zlib.

  3. Lukas ThyWalls reporter

    Ok, but i see this more as a workaround, and if we had an quicksave/quickload system and get rid the actual system, that could have more sense, but i was using the saves to have a research for points of interest about game problems to write here, and editing the names, and picking saving is a pain with this save system.

    I don't know if it's possible to do something to have this better, like have all this emptys saves invisibles, but until that maybe is better to have this issue open.

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