"Shadow line" in centered above lines phrases.

Issue #201 resolved
Lukas ThyWalls created an issue

When you pick items, there appears at the top centered in the screen what you have picked. At the same time, appears a semitransparent line in the left upper corner, with the same text, and after a second the centered text goes to that corner and put above the "shadow line", and then dissapear after another second (time measures are approximate).

The text line should be appearing in the top center or in the upper left corner, but not with in both, with artifacts or moving.

With the subtitles (bottom center phrases lines) don't appear anything.

Comments (5)

  1. Lukas ThyWalls reporter

    Ok thanks.

    set scr_noclearmsg 0 puts the text only top centered without any other artifact.

    set scr_noclearmsg 2 puts the text only in the left upper corner.

    Then why scr_noclearmsg 0 is not set by default if seems the intended behaviour?

  2. Frank Sapone

    By request people were tired of seeing pickup messages disappearing and chat messages disappearing. It's controlled in the extended options menu.

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