e4m2a: upper tramdoor button hooked up to a wrong event

Issue #209 resolved
Американский Шпион created an issue

the upper indoor button supposed to do two things: call the tram and open the door. instead it calls the tram and send it back. what's the problem? if player ever opens the the grating without entering the cage, the metal door will close and the player will never have a chance to ride a tram again. this also may happen if player decides to try to open the tram door first and then lover the lever. demo included

Comments (4)

  1. Knightmare66

    As of right now, it's not possible to have switchable entity triggers in DK, so the upper inside button can only have one function. I can make the tram reaching the upper position open the door, but it would have to be sent back down and up again to open the door a second time.

  2. Американский Шпион reporter

    Is there a way to contact you directly? I want to test some things

  3. Knightmare66

    I'm currently testing out some new entities that should allow proper control of the train and button.

  4. Knightmare66

    The new entities are now working. The upper button both calls the tram and opens the door. This fix will be in the next release.

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