Saving/Loading does not save AI Chase/Seen Player/Etc. states

Issue #213 new
Американский Шпион created an issue

When you save the game and then load it no information of any projectiles fired is restored. This includes player and enemy projectiles (rockets etc), planted C4 and metamaser charges as well as decals from shots. Moreover, after loading a game any weapon state resets to weapon_select. This means that by saving/loading reloading and winding down animations can be skipped entirely. if saving/loading was performed in time of winding up animation (see shockwave cannon) the animation will be reset and the ammo used for it will be lost. In addition, reloading the game while having disruptor glove equipped will switch the weapon to gashands (if available), the same goes for slugger/grenades.

There is a similar issue with AI that may breake some ai functions: several monsters appears to lose track of an enemy after save/load (thunderskeet, cambot), or completelly stop function if certain action was interrupted. The prime example is the bridge ambush in e1m1b. Saving/loading during roboskeets fly from the fortress may cause them to return to their initial position, stuck there, or just froze in place in the target place without noticing the player (until shot)

Comments (8)

  1. Frank Sapone

    These are old v1.0/v1.2 bugs by the way, from what I can tell with minimal testing I just performed. This could break things by allowing it to be saved, but I can look into it at some point.

  2. Frank Sapone

    Most of the projectile state issues have been fixed over the past 3 years. Get me an organized list of ones that still have problems and I will see if they are fixable in a minimally invasive way.

  3. Frank Sapone

    I fixed the Disruptor selecting Gashands (if available) during a save restore. The Slugger/Cordites selection issue appears to have been fixed already.

  4. Американский Шпион reporter

    I haven’t checked every projectile yet, but found a bunch of other save/loading related bugs and even encountered a crash 🙂

    if you save during firing animations of some weapons you get an error message in the console, sent screenshots to you in discord.

    saving and loading during flare throwing animation either locks you in a state where you can’t change weapon or crashes the game. crash dump in pm

    stavros’s fireball, ballista log, wyndrax, cordite and metamazer not saved

  5. Frank Sapone

    Been a while since I’ve thought about this, yet again. But, the warnings about think functions during saving has been fixed.

    I’m pretty sure we fixed the flare throwing state bug, but will have to go back and verify this.

    I’ll have to take a look at the other remaining weapons.

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