Sidekicks take no damage

Issue #215 resolved
fransik created an issue

Sidekicks take zero damage from any enemy on any difficulty. I've tried changing the Health and Base Health values on the aidata.csv file from 5000 to 100, but it makes no difference. Setting "sv_sidekick_regen hp" to 0 also doesn't help.

Is this normal AI behaviour in 1.3? I've attached a video of this happening on Hard difficulty.

Comments (5)

  1. fransik reporter

    My bad, I've updated it from the ingame notification and he now takes some damage on Hard.

    Is there a way to make them weaker? Chaging health values on the aidata.csv file still makes no difference after updating.

  2. Frank Sapone

    It won't, unless you remove aidata.VSC. The game will use VSC files before it uses CSV files. aidata.csv is provided as a convenience for fine tuning. I'm looking into reducing the values for the sidekick health (currently at about 5000hp I believe).

  3. fransik reporter

    I see. I renamed the VSC file and now it loads the other one. I'll experiment a bit with the values. Keep it up, thanks for the help!

  4. Frank Sapone

    Glad to see it's working for you. If you find a value that you think we should consider changing the hp to, let us know.

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