Sidekicks stuck in Vault Part 2 refuse to go up the ladder

Issue #228 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hey, this is the second time my sidekicks got stuck, the first one superfly was just stuck before some vents i crawled through.

this time both mikiko and superfly refuse to go up the ladder just before the daikatana room. i tried calling them, maintaining visual contact with them (which helped before when they just refused to come) nothing helps.

is there a way to just teleport them near your location or something? if the whole game will be like this, i will regret not playing without them.

Comments (9)

  1. Frank Sapone

    This map has this issue for some reason, we haven't looked too hard into it yet. But, rest assured you can play the rest of the game mostly fine. There's still some work to go on some maps with issues like these, but we're working on it.

  2. Knightmare66

    We actually have an overhaul of that map in progress. This issue should be fixed in the next map update.

  3. Frank Sapone

    Sometimes you can push them out of the way, if it doesn't work get to where you need to be try typing /teleport__mk in console.

  4. Undertaker666

    thanks for that, it helped me finish the game since they got stuck in other levels like the one in mishima's labs with the elevators.

  5. Frank Sapone

    Yeah, the AI still has a while to go. I've been working on some AI recently, not sidekicks, but a few other really bad monsters. Still haven't been able to narrow down a solution to the slamming into walls/getting stuck traversing nodes thing. But someday.

  6. Undertaker666

    Well good luck with that, and thanks for the help, i really enjoyed the game thanks to the mods and patches. i also wrote about it in a review on GOG, you should talk to them to incorporate the patch into their distribution so more people could enjoy this.

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