Mikiko gets stuck in Tower of Crime Part 2, or won't path correctly.

Issue #230 resolved
Stewart Martin created an issue

In the Tower of Crime Part 2, Mikiki tries to follow me on over some pipes through some (ducts?) and gets stuck.
https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/941685795126119189/1F6F3883293E8E4C9669594E6F5BD37505F18D49/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/941685795126118378/0CA78482E1CFB7393F3A8CA931CEBCCB4F7AEE74/

So I found a door that I could explode to allow easier access, but she won't go to it. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/941685795126122302/B8A435323D76E54D677BF764458F6FB5699E2E46/

If I try to get her to come to me, she just goes back up on the pipes and gets stuck again. She seems to get stuck in a few places but there's one place in particular she seems to get stuck the worst. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/941685795126120895/820F75D5A138688703318128AD50C64B926760B6/

See linked screenshots for specifics

Afaik, my Daikatana is fully up to date. There was a new map update yesterday, I think?

This prevents me from completing the map, because I need to have her with me to move on.

Comments (9)

  1. Frank Sapone

    Yes, unfortunately this map is still bugged. Sometimes you have to spam the come here command and follow her closely in those vents, if you get too far ahead the node system fails and she starts crawling the opposite direction. Sometimes you can bump into them or shoot at them to get them to undue the stupidity.

    If it's really bad and you can't make it work at all, use /teleport_mk in console to teleport her to your general vicinity.

    Work is being done on expanding some of the problem maps (this one is one of the worst, next to the level after this with the tram carts). Not sure when the next map update will be available, but I am also looking into solutions to fix some issues with the node transversal code but I'm not sure how long that will take to come up with a good solution.

  2. Frank Sapone

    There's a new pak6.pak, auto-updater should see it. Let me know if it helps for you. Did some preliminary testing and seemed to work better than it did previously.

  3. Frank Sapone

    Yeah, you might have to start over since the map checksum changed. You could just do something like: map e4m3a and use the "boost" commands to get your XP back. Valid commands are boost power, boost attack, boost acro, boost vita, boost speed. Also you can do weapon_give_1, weapon_give_2, etc. or giveall.

    Sorry about that. Forgot that was a possibility.

  4. Stewart Martin reporter

    I loaded a save from the previous map and then played through it. She definitely does make her way over the pipes much better but she still seems to get stuck around the opening to the (ducts? shaft?), but sometimes the player seems to have trouble getting through there as well so there may be some weird geometry or collision stuff going on in that particular area, or something.

    Sometimes we can both get through without any issues, but other times not.

  5. Frank Sapone

    That's unfortunately as good as it's going to get right now with my knowledge of AI and node pathing. Sometimes she may get a little stuck but usually doing the come here command will be enough, sometimes you might have to push them.

    If you think this is bad, you should play 1.2. :D

  6. Stewart Martin reporter

    I thought I responded to this, but I forgot.

    About 1.2, I can imagine :D

    Thank you for your work. It's much better now, and it's possible that nothing could really be done about that particular area without changes to actual game geometry. The whole shoot, shove, and call method seems to work pretty well to get her through when she gets stuck. Feel free to consider this issue resolved.

  7. Frank Sapone

    Yeah we're looking into additional options for a future map update to see what we can do as this is admittedly one of the worst spots for sidekick node transversal.

    Thanks for the kind words and enjoy the game!

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