Multiplayer weapon balance suggestions

Issue #231 new
Purkkaviritys created an issue

I personally like the idea that there are "Super Weapons" in the game. However they are often too powerful to have more than one or two shots in MP maps we like to play. Also too many players at once can possess any of the super weapons and spam shots from them at once. It has been known to cause grief to players and at least minor technical issues.

I have couple initial suggestions to fix this. But we need to have a proper discussion on how this should work in practice. I'm writing this fresh out of my head as of now.

There should be a CVAR to limit ammunition of "Super Weapons" people can possess. I'd set it by default to 1 shot. This means that any player which picks ups Shockwave, Eye of Zeus, Nharre's Nightmare or Metamaser can only possess 1 shot for the weapon during lifetime.

There should be another CVAR to limits spawned "Super Weapon" count to 1. This means that when one player picks up Shockwave, Eye of Zeus, Nharre's Nightmare or Metamaser then it will not respawn again unless the player possessing it is fragged.

If there are more than two super weapons in the map then the upper limit is the number of super weapons in the map. And if there are two or more and one of the players possessing the weapon is fragged or weapon is consumed then the super weapon will randomly spawn to one of the locations it can be picked up from.

And finally there should a CVAR to which when enabled will not spawn ammunition for the super weapons in multiplayer maps.

One last note is that I don't seek to change the super weapon variables like damage or speed or effective area. Also this should only apply to multiplayer games. Single-player and coop should ignore these CVARs.

Comments (2)

  1. Frank Sapone

    I’m OK with the suggestions. The first one, limiting the max ammo count via a CVAR is easy. The other two will require some work.

  2. Американский Шпион

    Something like this is present in Q2, where BFG will respawn only if nobody has it

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