3840x1600 is missing from available resolutions

Issue #267 wontfix
Zenia Smozhevsky created an issue


3840x1600 is missing from available resolutions, so some ultra-wide gaming monitors are impossible to use natively. Also, if occasionally higher resolution is selected, ‘Apply’ button is hidden beyond the edge of the monitor an it is impossible to switch back to other setting.

Comments (8)

  1. Frank Sapone

    You can use 3840x1600 natively by using “custom resolution” mode from the video game menu. However, we can add native support for this resolution in the next build.

  2. Zenia Smozhevsky reporter

    Thanks for your reply, but:

    1. There’s no such resolution. It goes like this:




    2. There is no ‘custom resolution’ in the video game menu


    PS: macOS version, JIC

  3. Frank Sapone

    Mac version is outdated, deprecated, and no longer supported. That build is over 3-4 years old.  So we cannot help you.  Sorry.

  4. Frank Sapone

    Mac version is outdated, deprecated, and no longer supported. That build is over 3-4 years old.  So we cannot help you.  Sorry.

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