Z_Malloc and Hires (AI upscaled) textures

Issue #269 resolved
VoivoD created an issue

As far as I can understand I would need to allocate more memory, and how do I do that? Notice that I would like to further upscale the textures not only 4x. In Q2pro (Rampage mod) I upscale to 2048x2048 and will upscale even more with custom build(this is hardcoded max).

Comments (5)

  1. Frank Sapone

    Z_Malloc is a bug with the 64-bit builds that we have been unable to reproduce. We may be shelving the 64-bit build temporarily. Switch to 32-bit if the problem persists. There is no real performance gain over a native 64-bit build anyways.

    I am unsure about what you mean with upscaled textures. We don’t support high res texture mods if that is what you are referring to.

  2. VoivoD reporter

    Ok. So the game now loads, but the textures are stretched, not put at the same plane space like in every other game. Could you fix/workaround that so I could provide an AI upscaled texture pack?

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