removing the sidekicks

Issue #28 resolved
Former user created an issue

Can there be an option to removed the sidekicks entirely except for the custscenes as well as the final ending?

Comments (5)

  1. Frank Sapone

    I added an unsupported hack, sv_nosidekicks. Set this to 1 and then start the game via coop settings.

    This will hack it close to single player. I.e. no item respawning, no min exp stats between episodes, and if you die the level restarts from your previous save. If you would like to bypass all of that and play it coop with cutscenes (locked to one player only) use coop_cutscenes 1.

    This will be in the next build after 01-13-2015.

  2. Frank Sapone

    This has been mostly resolved. I redid the code. Sv_nosidekicks 1 before starting the game will allow no sidekicks in true single player mode. I just need Knightmare to add this as an option in the single player start menu for it to be effective. You can download build 01-14-2015 or higher for this new code.

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