The last updates broke some things

Issue #293 resolved
David Gámiz Jiménez created an issue

First at all. Sorry, I created some issues without account and I can't erase it. Sorry to duplicate these.

I am playing in Linux x64 Ubuntu 20.04 without any of these problems before the last two updates:

1) the enemy from the last episode that fly. When he flies and fire and smoke go away from the backpack. Now big particle orange flash in all screen.

2) When you pause the game and back you can see how some elements of the rendering momentary disappear and flash until these drawn again okey. Like doors or assets, not the map csg. Even meanwhile you're playing sometimes the door that you have en front some seconds before open, this disappears and flash.

Comments (13)

  1. Frank Sapone

    Enemy that flies? What map? Do you have a screenshot?

    I will give you a beta build to test that you can disable the delta frame clearing hack that was implemented recently when exiting the main menu. Maybe it doesn’t work as well in linux or in certain situations. Are there certain maps it is worse than others? Can you make a demo?

  2. David Gámiz Jiménez reporter

    I will do a screenshot. I don't know how to make a demo of that. 😕 And also I will try this beta build with this setting as soon possible. Thanks! Good holidays, by the way! 🙂

  3. Frank Sapone

    To make a demo, simply just type ‘record <demoname>’ into the console to start recording a demo. When done, just type ‘stop’ and then you can attach the demo here for me to look at.

  4. Frank Sapone

    So you’re saying the new build has fixed your problem? This is interesting as there is no fundamental changes to the renderer between the 12-19-21 build and the one I sent you. Only a few small nitpick changes for static code analyzers and this debug CVAR.

  5. Frank Sapone

    Hi, I ran through the demo and confirm it happens in Linux x64. Sometimes I have to replay the demo twice to see it. Not sure when this started, there are earlier test builds from this year if you’d like to run through to bisect and find out where it started, otherwise I will have to try to spend time later next week to see where I broke it.

    Older beta builds from 2021 are at

    I can verify it in the May 2021 test builds, I can’t run the demo earlier than that because of a network protocol change that happened.

  6. David Gámiz Jiménez reporter

    Okay, thanks for try to see what happen with this issue. This next week, I can't help you with that. I will be out for holidays and I will not have any PC for doing that. Sorry. But more forward I will try.

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