Problems with Mikiko and elevators in last maps

Issue #294 new
David Gámiz Jiménez created an issue

In the three final maps, I had problems with elevators:
1) In the Mishima labs, when you destroy two generators. There is an elevator with switch. If you go with Mikiko and down with her. Then you can't up with the elevator. And then you can't continue with her. EDIT: This is from v1.0 patch. Upgrade.
2) In the biotech monkey cells. When you're up from here with the elevator to the first floor. If Mikiko try to go for this path. She can't do it. Because the elevator only up one time and there aren't switch to call it. Maybe this is a design and script bug. Not AI.
3) In the Kage house. The elevator to the main room to go. In the end of the map. This elevator has a similar issue like the previous case. There aren't a switch and the elevator not work with the Mikiko.

Comments (19)

  1. Frank Sapone

    These are all crappy map and nodepath bugs. Knightmare was working on one of them, but not sure when he will get it done.

  2. David Gámiz Jiménez reporter

    Okay, I hope that Knightmare have been fixed that. I think this only small problematic situations are now the rest of main problems to have a near to perfect experience with this great game.

  3. khagaroth

    Aside from the above problems, the elevators in Mishima Labs are completely broken when sidekicks are disabled (switches don’t activate/call the elevators), so there is no way to progress. I didn’t try the maps after that since the last few maps are **** anyway.

  4. khagaroth

    So I just retested using 2022-12-22 and the elevators in Mishima Labs are still broken no matter if sidekicks are on/off.

  5. Frank Sapone

    Hello, sorry I didn’t reply to your message earlier. Got lost in the shuffle.

    If you have save states you can post in here made with the 20222-12-22 build then I can try to narrow it down.

    Not sure which elevator you are referring to, which specific map? i.e. e4m4b, etc.

  6. Frank Sapone

    Can you zip up the entire save (or save_x64 depending on platform) directory for me? Also what platform is this Windows 32-bit or 64-bit, Linux, etc. ?

    I spent some time last night on this particular map reloading it with and without sidekicks and I just cannot trigger this bug so I wonder if it’s something platform specific.

  7. Frank Sapone

    Well one thing… are you using the map updates pack? Because I tried to walk back and load the first one, for e1m1a and it says map version differs. Did you install this directly over 1.0 or 1.2?

  8. Frank Sapone

    You installed this over Daikatana v1.0 which probably had a bug in the map already that they fixed in 1.2. I verified this by taking the 1.0 paks and using those. This is probably the same reason David has this issue.

    If you installed DK from a CD you MUST run the 1.2 patcher. The version from Steam and GOG have it already patched to 1.2. I try to avoid this issue and make it obvious to users that during first time install of 1.3 it will ask to verify your PAK files and stores a hash so the check only runs once (it’s computationally expensive, upto 30 seconds on older machines so we can’t do this every startup of DK 1.3).

    If you need help installing the 1.2 patch there is a link here:

    Make certain you do this from a fresh DK install. You’ll have to delete your directory and restart from scratch, unfortunately. If the patcher is funny on Windows 10 there are ways around this with a manual patch, it’s a bit more complicated but I can guide you through it.

  9. khagaroth

    Ok, I will try to reinstall. I was pretty sure I applied the 1.2 patch (I do have it downloaded), but it’s possible I forgot.

  10. Frank Sapone

    It’s most definitely 1.0. The clue was the bad map checksum errors when trying to load your saves. Then I went ahead, renamed pak6.pak to make sure you weren’t missing the map updates (you weren’t). Still did it. Then copied the old 1.0 paks and the saves finally loaded.

    I also verified that in 1.0 data assets if you just go to /map e4m4b none of the buttons work. So it was a map bug in v1.0 apparently.

    I’d recommend deleting your Documents\My Games\Daikatana directory as well. The saves aren’t going to work anyways, and you will want DK 1.3 to verify the checksum of the pak files to make sure you’re not still stuck on 1.0. The game saves the hashes of the pak files into your config file after it’s verified successfully. But I may have to revisit this, because you’re not the first person to make this mistake.

  11. Frank Sapone

    If you got multiple installs and it’s applying it to the wrong place or whatever I just extracted the 1.2 RTP manually and made a pack here so you can dump it into your Daikatana directory and run it. Please read the instructions carefully as if the options are selected wrong it will bomb out. Maybe I should make a modern patcher at some point to get it to 1.2 that lets you select where you want to apply the patch.

  12. khagaroth

    I already finished a full reinstall. Used the cheat codes to load Mishima Labs map and sure enough the elevators are fixed.

  13. David Gámiz Jiménez reporter

    Hi Frank. I am pretty sure that I played and had the bug with the most updated 1.3 version. I played over the steam version.

  14. Frank Sapone

    I’d need you to give me a save state right before the button you press with mikiko and ideally a demo or something. I went to e4m4c last night and did a /spawn mikiko. No clipped to the generator room and did /teleport_mk and tried reproducing that bug but the elevator button always worked.

    The other two issues you mentioned are most likely just bad mapping we never got around to fixing. The last few maps in E4 are clearly the last maps ION worked on before release so they’re unpolished and kind of lame compared to the rest of the game, imo.

  15. Frank Sapone

    @khagaroth Just a small update to this, new versions going forward will scan the PAK files every time on startup, but based on known good file lengths to early out and then based on certain chunks as to not cause a long delay scanning 300mb+ of data. Hopefully this will prevent people from making this mistake again in the future. Thanks for motivating me to do that.

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