Native screen resolution not supported

Issue #307 resolved
Michael Lackner created an issue

I just got Daikatana 1.3 (2021-12-19) working on FreeBSD 12.3-RELEASE-p6. Had to link /usr/local/lib/ to /usr/local/lib/, because FreeBSD 12.3 no longer has the slightly older version. Also had to add the game’s subdirectory FreeBSDLibs/x64/ to LD_LIBRARY_PATH on load.

Alright, now it runs, but I cannot set its resolution to my native one, which is 1400×1050. With that, I can only play in slightly lower resolutions like e.g. 1360×768, which trigger LCD panel interpolation, making everything blurry. On top of that, the aspect ration is wrong, adding letterboxes.

Graphics hardware is an Intel GMA950 iGPU.

If there is some way to set a custom resolution that I may have overlooked, please advise.

Thank you.

Comments (3)

  1. Frank Sapone

    Hi Michael,

    Linking for the FreeBSD libs may be necessary in some cases as I’m building it with an older version of FreeBSD. I don’t recall the exact version as I’m not at my dev PC for the next few days.

    Yes, you can set custom resolutions. You should be able to move the slider all the way to left in Video options and it will change to “Custom” and you can enter the resolution you want. If it’s missing in your build then that means you’ll need to use the latest beta. I was pretty sure, however, that this feature is available in the Christmas 2021 release. If it’s not, let me know and I’ll link you to the latest betas.


  2. Michael Lackner reporter

    Thank you Frank!

    My bad, I just did not know that! It works just as you say!

    PS.: According to the ELF header, the 2021-12-19 version was built on FreeBSD 11.2.

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