Greatly increase the amount of damage needed to gib certain enemies

Issue #31 resolved
Teflon1 created an issue

One thing that bugs me about Daikatana's combat is how easy it is to gib enemies. Gibbing is when you've really, really done a ton of damage to an enemy with something like the Eye of Zeus or eating two Sidewinder rockets at once, not hit a rent-a-cop with a small plasma ball or a butt-naked bird woman with a discus. It's actually kinda boring if every enemy explodes into pieces, no matter what you hit them with.

My suggestion for a future update is to jack up the amount of health needed to gib certain enemies, like the Harpy and Griffon, so that they'll actually die normally instead of exploding into pieces as soon as they get hit with anything. I'm positive that most of the gib-happy enemies have regular death animations, so it should be as simple as setting the "damage needed to gib" variable to something much higher.

Note that this shouldn't be done for every enemy; only ones that gib when they're hit with anything. That way, there's no chance of things like the Bubuoid and Lycanthir's revive mechanics being screwed up.

Comments (3)

  1. Frank Sapone

    After 01-23-15 use gib_damage cvar to change the damage. Default is 0.3 which is used in older builds for entities already dead but no yet gibbed. It will also work with entities alive. Higher values will make it harder for them to gib. Try experiment with gib_damage 1, 2, or 5 if you want it to rarely happen but would still like to gib them when they are already dead.

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