Co-op Maps Not Loading

Issue #311 resolved
Harrison Fowler created an issue

Hi there,

Sorry to come at you guys with another issue. I’m not sure why, but I can’t seem to launch co-op at all. When I attempt to, the console reads that it couldn’t find the maps, with ‘null’ in brackets. Recently I downloaded and installed the Daikatana Official Map Pack to play those maps with 1.3, but I hadn’t thought they would interfere with the co-op maps. Perhaps they haven’t, but I’m not sure. Is there anything I should do to try to remedy this?

Comments (26)

  1. Frank Sapone

    Hi Harrison,

    Not sure what you mean by the official daikatana map pack? Which one and where? How are you trying to load coop? In game from the menu or from dk_ded.exe? What is the exact error message? You can get me a log by typing /logfile 1 in console then trying to load. It will leave a dk_console.log in your Documents/my games/daikatana/data directory you can attach here.

    It may help if you do /developer 1+65536 in console before the logfile command. This will give you more verbose output in the console that may help. Be sure to set it to /developer 0 when done.



  2. Harrison Fowler reporter

    Hi there,

    Shortly after the release of Daikatana the devs put out the official map pack, with something like ten new deathmatch maps and a few capture the flag maps too. I downloaded it, and used its setup.exe to install the maps into the game directory. I doubt it interfered at all with what was already there. I just wanted to give you all the information I could. Sorry to overcomplicate things.

    I’m attempting to play co-op directly in-game from the menu, but when I get there, only the difficulty modes display. There’s a little box above where the episode and map titles are meant to display, but nothing is there, as if the maps are gone or something. When I click on one of the difficulty modes to start the game, the console displays an error message saying:

    “Can’t find map maps/(null).bsp

    I’ll do the log file command like you ask, and attach the file soon.

  3. Harrison Fowler reporter

    Bizarrely, I put in the commands you said: /developer 1+65536, followed by /logfile 1, and now the co-op maps appear.

  4. Harrison Fowler reporter

    Yeah, for some reason that developer command needs to be enabled in order for the co-op maps to be available.

  5. Harrison Fowler reporter

    Okay there’s the log. I didn’t have my mouse plugged in, so I got destroyed by an enemy a few times. Maybe that log file will give some clarification on why developer needs to be enabled in order for the co-op maps to appear?

  6. Frank Sapone

    Also, it appeared that CoopMaps.json wasn’t loading or being found for some reason, thus the null map load. I assume it’s always loading now?

  7. Harrison Fowler reporter

    I’ll get the new logfile in a few moments for you.

    If the official map pack is in pak9 then I guess technically I installed it in twice, because I also downloaded pak9 separately so that the community maps listed would actually be playable. Oh well, not a big deal I don’t think.

    The co-op maps only load if I set /developer to 1+65536. If I have /developer set to 0, then the co-op maps don’t appear at all.

  8. Harrison Fowler reporter

    Alright, there’s the new log file.

    By the way, have you ever had any issues with people not able to play the HCI maps included in pak9? They just don’t load up either. I figured I’d have to go hunt them down separately, but since it came up I thought I’d ask.

  9. Frank Sapone

    The logfiles aren’t as helpful. You need to set /logfile 1 before you do anything else.

    Are you using 32-bit or 64-bit Daikatana on Windows (assuming this is Windows)?
    I don’t know what error about the HCI maps you mean. What does it say?

    I feel this thread is getting kind of large and may require a lot of back and forth conversation. Are you on Discord? You can join us on the DK 1.3 Discord and we can discuss further in #issues channel there. If you prefer to keep the conversation here, that is fine too.

  10. Frank Sapone

    I’m assuming 32-bit because I have just noticed that upon testing the 32-bit build the JSON file doesn’t appear to load properly and/or populate the list properly for some reason.

  11. Frank Sapone

    OK, it appears I did the check of the wrong element in the JSON file in the MultiplayerMaps.json and CoopMaps.json for being an emtpy string. The compiler in VS2005 actually optimized it out and things only worked by accident.

    I’ll have to make a new release in order to fix it unfortunately.

  12. Harrison Fowler reporter

    I thought I had been using the 64-bit version, since I’m almost certain that’s the one I downloaded.

    Sorry to complicate things with the HCI map stuff. It’s basically the same error message as the co-op maps, not being able to find them. No ‘null’ in brackets, but otherwise the displayed error message is identical.

    If you need to make a new release, I suppose that I stumbled on something worth fixing? Sorry to cause any hassle. No big deal waiting for an updated release; that is, it doesn’t bother me. I don’t mind setting /developer 1+65536 when I want to play co-op, at least for now. To be honest, the appeal for co-op to me is that the credits map is fully playable.

    Do you want me to attach new log files reflecting /logfile 1 as a command before /developer 1+65536 and /developer 0? I can do that if you need.

    As for Discord, I don’t have an account, but I could possibly get one. I know next to nothing about it.

  13. Frank Sapone

    It’s possible it happens in release 64-bit builds, honestly I mostly run debug builds so never noticed the bug until now.

    It’s not a huge hassle to release an update, but I have some other features I’ve been working on that break saves so I have to bisect the code to make a maintenance release to fix this. And it does need fixed as it might cause problems elsewhere.

  14. Harrison Fowler reporter

    I see. I suppose it’s a good thing I brought this to your attention then. Do you need new log files? I can provide those for you if they can be of help to you.

  15. Frank Sapone

    No need, the HCI map bugs are probably related to the JSON bug as well. Working on making an update to put out today or tomorrow to resolve the issue.

  16. Frank Sapone

    New build released that you should receive via the auto-updater in game. Once it’s up to date let me know if the problems are resolved.

  17. Harrison Fowler reporter

    The good news is that the co-op issue seems to be resolved. The maps display and load up with no issues.

    The bad news is that there are still deathmatch maps that don’t load in properly. They are as follows:

    hci.bsp (HydroChlorideInject…?) it goes on past the character limit so I don’t know the full title

    killme.bsp (HCI’s Kill Me)

    eatme.bsp (HCI’s Eat Me)

    slime.bsp (HCI’s slime)

    hci.bsp (HCI’s HCI)

    gawd.bsp ([HCI]Rex’s Gawd)

    ion1 ([HCI]Rex’s Ion1)

    olimpo.bsp ([HCI]Rex’s Olimpo)

    cpdm6.bsp (CPDM6)

    cavern.bsp ([HCI]Rex’s Cavern)

    rex4.bsp ([HCI]Rex’s Rex 4)

  18. Harrison Fowler reporter

    Okay more good news: I whittled that list down to two: HCI’s Slime and HCI’s Gawd. I found the others through the dktoasted website. Do you know where I might find these two otherwise?

  19. Frank Sapone

    I also suspect you’ve hosted part of your install by trying to install all of these maps individually from toastednet. The point of the pak9.pak is to make all of that irrelevant. Also, in all honesty, only the HCI Rex maps are worth playing, hci, eatme, killme, and slime are pretty terrible.

  20. Harrison Fowler reporter

    I installed pak9 previously, I swear, but those maps weren’t there. I’ll try it again though, no big deal. Perhaps I just installed it incorrectly last time? I don’t know.

    In any case, the co-op issue has been resolved, so I don’t want to burden you with this minor stuff. Thank you again for all your help, on this and on the resolution problem prior to this. Now my Daikatana setup is largely complete.

  21. Frank Sapone

    It’s possible you installed it in the wrong place or found some old version online (if you got it from toastednet then it’s the latest).

    OK. If you still have problems with the pak9.pak just open a new issue and we’ll figure it out.

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