Sidekicks are unable to jump out of certain pools

Issue #34 resolved
Purkkaviritys created an issue

Mikiko often falls into water fountains at Greece episode and is unable to get up. Simple fix would be editing the map so that these water fountain's in their water side edges have a small stair Mikiko could use to walk out of the water fountain if it's impossible to make her do the jump.

It would be a small change that's invisible for most of the players and it would help Mikiko to walk out of the water fountain thus preventing players having to reset the game to previous save point.

The three most problematic parts are: the large outside water fountain at middle of E2M3C and. The water fountain located at centre of the structure at E2M4E with Poseidon statue on top of it. And the small water area next to the I alphabet at E2M4D. At least those two water fountains and the pool should be edited.

Then there's also an issue with Superfly being unable to jump out of a boiling lava pool at E3M3C which is located after the fight with Stavros, taking the stone stairs up to the level and then the normal stairs up to see the middle cylinder shape room with round lava pool surrounding the middle pillar.

Superfly will just die into there at times. It sometimes takes little bit of baby sitting to watch out that he will not get into there. Sometimes AI works like it should and Superfly will not fall there. This has happened to me only two times but at Steam forum I've heard it tends to happen quite often. Fix I propose is the same as with Mikiko. Small stair(s) Superfly can use to walk out of the lava.

I'm not sure I'm explaining everything properly. I can provide some screenshots and draw what I propose if you're interested. I saw your work with the E1M7A's Mishima Laboratory ramp where the bots can now just drop down to the computer cooling pipe instead of having to use ladders and then jump inside the cooling pipe (which was PIA to make happen at times). If you're ready to make edit that large then I'm fairly sure you might consider this, much smaller, change to the water and lava pools too.

And thank you for the 1.3 and the small changes that come with the full package. You guys have made me a really really happy, and I've been playing Daikatana's single-player way more than I did when it was released. Thank you!

Comments (6)

  1. Knightmare66

    Please post/link some screenshots of the areas in question. I've already fixed the areas based on your description, but I want to be sure. The fix I used for this is not visible/touchable by the player, BTW.

  2. Purkkaviritys reporter

    Aah... I'm sorry. For one reason or another I didn't notice this originally. Anyway here are the screenshots you requested:









  3. Американский Шпион

    There's a place in e1m7a where you have to go down the bridge to swim through the tunnel. The AIs always tend to jump of from it, and if they do, there is no way they can get out from it




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