Level e2m2c has an issue which causes game to come halt

Issue #49 resolved
Purkkaviritys created an issue


I didn't thought that this could be a problem but we have at least two guys at Steam's Daikatana forum who discovered that when player enters the level e2m2c, goes to the underground tunnel, meets Mikiko for the first time in Greece episode and then comes up from the tunnel but instead of going through the abandoned houses and moving forward with the game...

if player starts to backtrack and goes back to the e2m2b, Mikiko is supposed to stay at e2m2c. There's an invisible wall that prevents Mikiko from leaving e2m2c with you. However when player returns to e2m2c now the Mikiko spawns on the wrong side of the invisible wall that's supposed to prevent her from leaving to e2m2b and now Mikiko gets stuck at e2m2c and players are unable to continue the game.

Screenshot: 15349746935892279296_screenshots_2014-09-25_00002.jpg

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