Bug dedicated server

Issue #53 resolved
Martin Müller created an issue

It says I should report it :P Frank, what did you do? :)

[11/01/14 @ 03:52:00 AM] [HCI]Mara'akate connected.
[11/01/14 @ 03:52:17 AM] [HCI]Mara'akate joined the game.
[11/01/14 @ 03:52:17 AM] [HCI]Mara'akate is using Daikatana v1.3 for x86.  Built Oct 25 2014 at 10:30:30.
[11/01/14 @ 03:52:17 AM]
[11/01/14 @ 03:52:17 AM] WARNING: No string for function at address 0xf6af1780 in func_list[]!
[11/01/14 @ 03:52:17 AM]    INFO: Function at address 0xf6af1780 is actually called camera_check_target(edict_s*) !
[11/01/14 @ 03:52:17 AM]    INFO: That function is from /usr/local/games/daikatana/dlls/world.so
[11/01/14 @ 03:52:17 AM] !!! Please report this as a bug !!!

[11/01/14 @ 03:52:17 AM] Entity has been assigned an unregistered function ( pre_think )
[11/01/14 @ 03:52:17 AM]
[11/01/14 @ 03:52:17 AM] WARNING: No string for function at address 0xf6af4f80 in func_list[]!
[11/01/14 @ 03:52:17 AM]    INFO: Function at address 0xf6af4f80 is actually called camera_auto_chase(edict_s*) !
[11/01/14 @ 03:52:17 AM]    INFO: That function is from /usr/local/games/daikatana/dlls/world.so
[11/01/14 @ 03:52:17 AM] !!! Please report this as a bug !!!

[11/01/14 @ 03:52:17 AM] Entity has been assigned an unregistered function ( post_think )

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