Improve C4 Vizatergo animation

Issue #69 wontfix
Американский Шпион created an issue

It seems like originally animation of C4 weapon was more complex. after firing a grenade Hiro opened safety lock on the button and held his hand awaiting the moment to push it. then, if player choose to detonate 'nades manually, Hiro pushes the button and safety lock closes automatically. if grenades detonates on hit or by encountering an enemy, then safety lock closes

Comments (6)

  1. Knightmare66

    We won't be making any changes to the models, as we have neither the model source nor any 3D modelers/animators.

  2. Американский Шпион reporter

    you don't need to make any changes to models! all needed frames and animations already in it, you just need to change source code to include that frames. that is really a 15 minutes work

  3. Американский Шпион reporter

    just open up a w_c4.dkm model in daimdl and see it for yourself. it's in the pak3/models/e1

  4. Frank Sapone

    If it's literally a 15 minute fix and doesn't affect the rest of the code for it's think functions maybe I can add a server-side CVAR to enable this functionality. I'll have to peek at it one of these days and see though. If it's a larger commitment don't plan on seeing it on any time soon.

    My guess would be they reduced the frame count on purpose because the longer animation broke the trigger happy flow of the game.

  5. Frank Sapone

    I tested out changing it to it, it won't return to the original resting position like btnpsh will because it was never completed.

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