Make death via poisoning, freezing, or telefrag count as a kill in MP instead of suicide

Issue #76 wontfix
Teflon1 created an issue

In MP, if someone is killed by the poison after-effect from the Venemous' projectiles, frozen to death by the after-effects of being hit by a Kineticore hit, or telefragged, the game subtracts a kill from the vicitm's score instead of awarding a kill to the person that killed them. It doens't make sense that dying because you ate a Venomous or Kineticore ball is fine and dandy, but being killed by their after-effects counts against the victim instead of awarding the killer. One point for the killer is a lot more useful than a point being taken away from the victim, especially if the victim is a bottom-feeder.

This is more of an issue with the Kineticore, as E4 maps like E4DM1 have pleanty of opportunities to really use the Kineticore. Because of this issue, I prefer using other weapons in E4 maps just so that I know I'll always get a point for killing someone.

In regards to telefrags, I just don't find it fair to be penalized for something you had zero control over. Of course, you could also argue with the same logic that it isn't fair to count it as a kill for someone's score for the same reason, but other games reward telefrags, so eh. :/

Comments (2)

  1. Американский Шпион

    Quake 1&2 counts a telefrag as a valid frag and I believe that in QW activating trap in some map also counts. it was described on quake info pool, but it is broken now

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