Make immortal sidekicks as an optional feature

Issue #98 resolved
timzul created an issue

In 1.3 patch sidekicks are immortal by default. I think it takes out important part of gameplay from DK. It realy should be an optional feature for those who want it, and not obligatory by default.

Comments (10)

  1. timzul reporter

    @maraakate Nope, not resolved. I've played on normal difficulty and they still were invincible.

  2. Frank Sapone

    This should be resolved. I haven't seen it happen. Are you sure sv_sidekick_god is set to 0? If you are still having a problem with it I can send you a new beta to test.

  3. timzul reporter

    Well, yeah, still it's broken on my side.

    I've checked sv_sidekick_god, it was set to 0, but sidekicks are still invincible. Then I started a new game on easy mode and sv_sidekick_god command was 0 too, which shouldn't be the case as I suppose.

    One way or another they are invincible in both states.

  4. Frank Sapone

    Sidekicks are invincible on easy on purpose. The game is ironically (after levelling up to about level 3 or 4) easier on medium and hard skill because you can level up faster.

    Try this "sv_sidekick_god 0; skill 1; map e1m4a" then see if superfly is still invincible. He should not be. Again, the sidekicks are invincible on easy mode, because well... It's supposed to be easy!

  5. Frank Sapone

    However, if you started a game on easy mode then switched to medium maybe the cvar wasn't cleared.

    But, I just checked loading a game on easy skill, typing map e1m4a, verified superfly was invincible. Started a new game on medium, map e1m4a and he was no longer invincible. This was all in the same game session.

    By invincible do you mean they take a lot of damage or does the HUD flap show they are invincible?

    If you the HUD flap does not show the invincibility face (i.e. the glowing eyes) and are taking a lot of damage and never seemingly die... This is on purpose. You can change the health values for the sidekicks in the AIDATA.CSV file if it really bothers you. This was on purpose to compensate how easily they die. Most games these days have really high health values for sidekicks and they will eventually die and even lose health but it takes quite a bit to make it happen.

  6. timzul reporter

    Oh, I see now. Sorry for misleading. They actually loosing HP, but so slowly that it's barely noticeable and they just cannot die in any circumstances (I tried, really).

    How do I open aidata.vsc? Maybe there are some default vanilla numbers that I can type in, or just default cfg file that could replace modified new ones?

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