Shotcycler should shoot only once

Issue #99 resolved
Former user created an issue

Luv the new port. I'm gonna rediscover DK all over again. This time I'm gonna look for those Dopefish. I didn't even know they were in the game!

I think the shotcycler should only shoot one shot and only if you hold the button down it would expend the whole cycle.

This was a annoying issue I always had with this game. Trying to take out some soldiers and having to expend all the chambers into the wall. It makes the game look bad and unpolished.

Also could the config save the intensity and brightness settings? It doesn't seem to on my end. Or could at least someone tell me how to put the settings in an autoexec.cfg or something so it'll always execute?

Comments (2)

  1. Mike K

    The Shotcycler provides a specific type of gameplay - its a very bursty high damage weapon that rewards careful timing and positioning, and is made to be used carefully.

    Also, the animation wont support firing one shot at a time for the Shotcycler.

    The Shotcyler has good synergy with the rest of the weapons in Episode 1. All weapons come at a cost with firing, and reward careful gameplay with large damage, but come with self damage, or some kind of penalty, like the shotcycles long reload anim. Putting a one shot Shotcycler would ruin the balance.

    The Slugger is a single shot shotgun that already fills that purpose, in E4. Like the other weapons in E4, it fits in due to the e4s theme of rewarding good aim and having mostly hitscan weapons.

    tldr: The shotcycler is a unique weapon that is good the way it is, the slugger fills that niche of a one shot shotgun

    edit: if you need help with the dopefishes i made a guide here.

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