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Daikatana / FAQ

Q: Why doesn't DK 1.3 have bots? Can't you just take 3ZB2, Gladiator or <insert Q1/Q2/Q3 bot here>?

A: All the bots released for Q1/Q2/Q3 were under the GPL source license. Daikatana is closed source, so therefore we can't use any of this code. Even if we could the DLL code is drastically different from Q2 and would require effort to get working. Mr. Elusive, author of Gladiator, died so we cannot contact him for permission to relicense under BSD. To date, nobody with an established body of work who specializes in game AI/bot coding has volunteered to write a bot from scratch.

Q: Why doesn't DK 1.3 support super hi-res textures? I'd like to create an HD texture pack.

A: This is not the goal of DK 1.3. We are not interested in supporting HD texture packs. Most of these projects for other games look good in screenshots, but usually look bad or make the map architecture look small when used in-game. However, we do support glow textures, custom resolutions, MSAA, and volumetric shadows. We feel this keeps the game looking true to the original aesthetic, but still looks quite nice on modern displays.

Q: Why doesn't DK 1.3 have this easy to integrate code feature from Q2E, KMQ2, YQ2, FitzQuake, QuakeSpasm, or <insert Q1/Q2/Q3 port here>?

A: As stated above, all ports/mods for Q1/Q2/Q3 were released under the GPL source license. We cannot use this code as Daikatana is closed source. However, if the port author has separated this code into a separate file and is willing to dual-license as GPL and BSD we can use it.

Q: I'm trying to host a dedicated server. What ports do I need open on my router and firewall?

A: By default, Daikatana uses ports 27900, 27982 and 27992. Open both TCP and UDP. TCP is required for communication to the GameSpy Master Server emulator hosted at If you use a custom port, such as 27993 the additional port will be -10. I.e. 27993 will also require 27983 open. 27900 is the port for the master server.

Q: I'm on Linux and trying to host a dedicated server in a container. Daikatana is unable to write to the user data. What do I do?

A: You can set and export the environment variable XDG_DATA_HOME. For example:




Please note that /data is not appended to the environment variable.

Q: Can DK 1.3 load Q1/Q2/Q3 maps or models?

A: No. No support for this feature is planned at this time.

Q: Can you make it so DK 1.3 can load a mixed-match weapon set?

A: No. No support for this feature is planned at this time.

Q: How do I change a DM map to use a different weapon set?

A: Load the map and run sv_dumpentities. Daikatana will dump the entities to an external file located in your user data folder. From here you can change the "episode" epair value to the episode you want. Make sure you change the weapon, ammo and armor values.

Q: Where did my save games, config files, and download assets go? And can I change this behaviour?

A: On Windows they're saved to Documents/My Games/Daikatana. On Linux and FreeBSD they are saved to $HOME/.local/share/Daikatana. On Mac OS they are saved to /Users/<username>/Library/Daikatana 1_3 Team/Daikatana. If you dislike this behaviour you can add a blank portable.cfg to your Daikatana/data directory. Please note that this feature is not heavily tested on non-Windows platforms.

Q: I set the wrong video mode and everything is messed up, crashes on start, or I can't see the buttons to change the resolution!

A: Start daikatana with "-safe". For example, from a command line: daikatana.exe -safe.

Q: Can I help code for DK 1.3?

A: While we appreciate the enthusiasm, we require someone who is experienced in Q1/Q2/Q3 engine code and/or modding. They must be able to show us their work, be willing to work with closed source code, and be trustworthy to not distribute the code. If you think you meet this criteria then please contact us.

Q: Where can I donate?

A: Due to the closed source nature of the code we can't accept donations directly for work on DK 1.3. However, if you are interested in donating for the hosting costs of or development hardware please contact @Maraakate.
