Designate frig hole from K162 side

Issue #100 on hold
Syndra Silverwolf created an issue

I've noticed there's no way to designate a frig hole from the K162 side before jumping, which would be very useful. Right now we just look up what the static frig hole designation for that wormclass would be, but it's a bit annoying to have to look up/memorize.

Thanks for all your work!

Comments (3)

  1. Ashy

    I agree that this would be a worthwhile addition, but lets leave it for now until CREST changes are completed as it will require a little more work than you'd thing

  2. Kraesk

    Currently, it's looking like MY devs at least will be focusing on the rewrite of TW and making it a shiny new 2.0 style. So it should be included there, but I doubt it'll get any attention until then.

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