whLife value not sent from frontend unless changed.

Issue #102 on hold
Django Hommelibre created an issue

Hi Daimian,

When you set a Z142 EOL it goes 4hrs. Which is correct. If you then set it as Critical Mass it goes to 12hrs.

I don't think this is correct.

Comments (6)

  1. Mark Broadhead

    Able to reproduce. Although the time went up to 16 hours and not 12. Also can reproduce on a K162, which bumps the 4 hours up to 24. To reproduce, a whLife must be critical and any value can be changed, not just whMass dropdown. Upon further investigation, this value is changing to the default life for that wormhole class.

  2. Mark Broadhead

    This appears to be caused by the value of whLife not getting transmitted from the front end unless the value is changed. If the value is not changed, that object's "whLife" array location is empty. This is not the case with any other variables as far as I can tell.

  3. Mark Broadhead

    @daimian It looks like the real issue here is business logic being in both the JS and PHP. I recommend we move all this logic to PHP. What do you think?

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