Chain lines not appearing

Issue #106 resolved
Ozera created an issue

The chain lines which depict connections between wormholes are not showing for me: [here] This was taken in the in-game browser. The out-of-game browser (Chrome) also has the same issue.

I am unsure of why this issue has occurred as this was not a problem earlier in the day. I did a Malwarebytes system scan earlier and only afterword did I notice this problem. I do not recall the scan removing anything that would created such an error though.

Corp mates cannot reproduce my issue and I have spoken to no one who has experienced this issue. Win 10 64bit.

I want to note that the Show Gridlines option is set to 'Yes':

Comments (4)

  1. Ozera reporter

    The issue has gone away. I am not sure what changed, if anything, but the grid lines now appear again. I apologize for not having a detailed solution to solve this minor issue.

  2. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    No problem. These kind of issues happen more often then you would think and a solution or cause is never found. Happy hunting

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