ceo rolls not working

Issue #109 resolved
Jason H created an issue

"Character must have Director roll or be CEO. Cached Until: 07:29:58 EVE"

I have a brand new corp I created myself and I cannot use the corp API to get in. I know for a fact that I do have director and Ceo rolls.

Comments (6)

  1. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    Give it 5 min and try again. The EVE API sometimes takes awhile to update ... no way to know for sure when.

  2. Jason H reporter

    Character must have Director roll or be CEO. Cached Until: 03:27:03 EVE

    same thing a day later. I for sure have ceo and director rolls in game, and I did setup the API key for corporation. What am I doing wrong?

    Also does tripwire cost anything?

  3. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    Must be a character API key - this is not to setup a corp it is to give admin powers to an account/character. Let me know if that was the issue

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