[Proposal] Allow users to collapse certain branches of the mapped chain/tree.

Issue #113 resolved
Shane Armour created an issue

I'd like to propose an added feature that would affect client-side chain display. Currently, there doesn't seem to be a way to "minimize" or "collapse" a branch of the mapped chain, which sometimes results in a very large horizontal scroll. Noteably, anytime Thera is connected, but below I've included an example (modified for OPSEC, color-coord notes in the picture) of what I'm seeing in my current chain.

Current chain view.jpg

The feature I'm proposing is a client-side GUI enhancement that would allow a user to collapse/expand certain branches in the mapped chain, perhaps via a rightclick menu. To more fully explain, I've now included a modified version of my picture above, this time with only the branch that I care about expanded, with all other branches "collapsed".

Proposed chain view.jpg

Again, these would be client-side only, so when my alliance members log in, they would still see the entire chain by default, and then they could collapse/expand branches as they see fit, without affecting anybody else's chain view. The browser would have to remember the client's choices though, so the entire thing doesn't auto-expand when jumping to a new system.

Comments (2)

  1. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    This is already in Tripwire via double clicking on a system node or via the right-click menu on the system name.

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