Weird automapping issue

Issue #115 duplicate
Robert created an issue

Hi there, first off... LOVE Tripwire!!!

For the last 3 days we started to have a weird issue when we map holes.

Let's say we have 2 holes, a K162 and a Z457. both are imputed properly in Tripwire based on what was scanned. When you cross into the Z457, it maps it to the K162. Then we need to re-map everything manual. It's almost as if the system doesn't recognize the proper hole class anymore.

The follow in game setting is on as well as auto mapper, we haven't changed anything to our map setup. Wondering if this is a know issue, of if we have changed something in our setup. Anything we can do to fix this on our end ?

Comments (2)

  1. Ashy

    A valid point and one that I've seen happen before when I used to automap. We'll have a look when we get the chance then get back to you :)

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