Access to Full Database

Issue #116 resolved
Bill Peterson created an issue

Is it possible for someone to access the full Tripwire database, allowing them to see all wormhole activity, including where corporations are operating and their activity levels?

Comments (7)

  1. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    Only I have access to the live database. There are more then 3 layers of security and passwords so very unlikely to ever be worth the amount of effort it would require to hack. I am sure it would be an easy task for say the NSA however, nothing is 100% hack-proof.

  2. Bill Peterson reporter

    Ok, so the word I heard from a buddy that a CEO of a very large WH corp (not naming here, but was named) has hacked this information and has been using it to run sites and find entrances to other corp's wormholes is total crap? Cause I just couldn't handle that kind of rejection. :D

  3. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    Haha, highly highly unlikely ... if he has hacked in then he should be able to tell you what data you have entered in a specific system. Otherwise I wouldn't believe anyone's claims in general, not just for Tripwire.

  4. Bill Peterson reporter

    Ahhh. Got some clarification. It wasn't that the guy hacked the site, it was that you are friends with the CEO and have just given him the database info. Being around EVE for any length of time one becomes quite paranoid do to the nature of the game, and if this stuff is being rumored it's probably true. Too bad though, because Tripwire sure is handy, but my alliance will have to find something else. It's a shame you'd give out this info to friends.

  5. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    I promise you I don't give or sell data, but you only have my word on it.

    However ... Tripwire is completely open source and I know several corps who now run their own private copy of Tripwire.

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