Mask wide naming patterns

Issue #12 on hold
Obil Que created an issue

Right now there are three issues with the naming patterns

  1. They appear to be user specific, not mask-wide. In that if one user has an "a" naming pattern set and sees C4a, C5b, etc. in his map, other users of the mask do not appear to see the same pattern. This could use confirmation but I believe this is the case based on confusion between users when referencing systems.

  2. The naming of systems using this pattern is not map unique. We would prefer the naming (C4A, C4B, etc) to be unique across the entire map. Thus C4A is never repeated or used as a name if there is another system marked C4A in the entire map.

  3. The name selected for a system can change when the signature is edited from the other side (after confirming type jumping through a K162 hole). This causes much confusion if bookmarks are named using the tripwire name and have to be adjusted.

Our workaround now has been to rename holes using the rename feature to be "J123456 C4A" but an automated, mask-wide, consistent naming of holes would be great.

Comments (6)

  1. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    This is a complex issue that has been a battle for over a year now.

    I have been trying to make an automatic naming system for about 2 years now and when it was just KILL and 1 naming system it was easy and worked. Now it seems to be impossible to make it work for so many.

    So with the next patch I am going to take a step back and remove the automatic naming and give full control over it via manual entry. Then perhaps I can take another stab at automatic naming.

  2. Michael Michael

    Rather than try to accommodate everyone's different naming conventions, what about making a system where for a given tripwire mask, the user can optionally "build" a naming convention, by using tools and elements from tripwire's internal data. For example, a convention of whtype would equate to "K1621", whtype would mean "K1620 or K162". Obviously this would need some thought and expansion to accommodate various conventions.

    As an opinion, while I understand removing automatic naming makes it simpler to implement better, but for the sake of fast scanning, i'd prefer to have my naming convention dictated to me than to add another step to adding a wormhole - particularly one that currently isn't there!

  3. Michael Michael

    Update re our conversation ingame - I'd be really happy to have the option to use the sig as the name (showing sig ID on the chainmap for each link instead of the currently displayed whtype). It would be extremely useful, particularly in places like Thera.

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