Player Locations

Issue #120 closed
Joseph Douce created an issue

I propose the option to view all player locations for players who have tripwire open and track selected.

Although you can see the location of players within the chain it would be usefull to know the location once out of the chain.

A simple list with names and systems would suffice.

Comments (10)

  1. Joseph Douce reporter


    Maybe have it so when you mouse over the player icon in an exit system you get a list of people who have exited that wormhole in the last 24h and not been seen in the chain again.

  2. Valtyr Farshield

    The mask admin has the power to know where every player is. Giving this to the regular user can be discussed, but I'm not very optimistic about everyone knowing where I am when I'm building a chain without a bit of effort by browsing the kspace tab.

    About the list of people who were in a wormhole. You can view a list by using the wormhole mass feature. Just right click a wormhole and select mass.

  3. Joseph Douce reporter

    I can see where everyone is in the chain already, I mean once you leave the chain. Say I leave a WH into null sec to roam I want people to see what system I'm in and where I left from. Also I can see if people are still out and don't roll the hole behind them, or can see what system they're in if they need help and get there.

  4. Joseph Douce reporter

    Also if you don't want to have people see you have a button to "disable visibility", not disable tracking as this is needed.

  5. Joseph Douce reporter

    I can search for individual systems and get the players in that system in corp. So I clearly have access to all player locations already, Just need some way to display it.

  6. Ashy

    Closing this issue for now, this sort of feature will need a good amount of time to investigate. May be taken up in future

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